Providing Consent
Granting TeamDirectory the permissions required to get started.
TeamDirectory uses company data stored within Microsoft Azure Active Directory and therefore you must provide consent to allow TeamDirectory to access your organization directory.
For more information on Microsoft permissions please refer to this document.
After signing in, you will be asked to consent to the additional permissions ( or “scopes” ) that TeamDirectory requires.
TeamDirectory needs Directory.Read.All and as such you will need to be a Global Admin to grant this permission.
Once completed, all staff within the organization will be able to access TeamDirectory.
If you do not, or do not wish to grant this permission then you can cancel this request and continue to evaluate TeamDirectory using test data.
TeamDirectory is a “Single Page Application” and runs within your web browser, Teams, Outlook, or SharePoint Online.
TeamDirectory does not pass any organization data to any other service, including its own servers.
We do not have access to your organization's data at any time.